Black Friday 2014 Ads Panasonic Lumix 14.1MP 1080p 20x Zoom Point & Shoot Digital Camera
When you have to compared product features and price. This Panasonic Lumix 14.1MP 1080p 20x Zoom Point & Shoot Digital Camera is an excellent decision to actually buy. Hot Offer Panasonic Lumix 14.1MP 1080p 20x Zoom Point & Shoot Digital Camera
Price : $124.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
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Merchant : Nomorerack
Product ID : b5c75916398c1ff1f7fe09381f5a8d18
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One of outstanding product is consist of Panasonic Lumix 14.1MP 1080p 20x Zoom Point & Shoot Digital Camera accredited through a bunch of comments directly from actual users confirmed that Panasonic Lumix 14.1MP 1080p 20x Zoom Point & Shoot Digital Camera is great and functional product and worth the money that they spent. If you have any problems about the attributes of the item or wish to examine the up-to-date price of this item. Just select the link below, you shall find a great prices that indisputable.
Panasonic Lumix 14.1MP 1080p 20x Zoom Point & Shoot Digital Camera Description
Powerful and compact, this Panasonic Lumix 14.1MP Point & Shoot is a remarkable digital camera. Capable of shooting full HD video and taking photos at 14.1MP, its proof good things come in small packages. It has a 20x optical zoom teamed with a 4x digital zoom to get in close to your subjects. The 3" LCD display gives you ample room to view your images while youre still in the field. It supports various kinds of flash memory and has 77MB of on-board memory. Snap up this great deal before its too late! Want to know more? Manufacturer refurbished 90-day manufacturers warranty Model DMC-ZS19 Point & shoot style camera 14.1MP CMOS sensor 1920 x 1080p HD video mode 20x optical zoom 4x digital zoom 3" LCD display Light sensitivity max 3200 Integrated memory size: 77MB Supported flash memory SD Card, SD Memory Card, SDHC Card, SDHC memory card, SDXC memory card, SDXC memory card 1920 x 1080 video HDMI USB 2.0 Measures 4.13"W x 2.32" H x 1.11" D Weighs 6.35oz
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Image | Item | Price | |
Panasonic Lumix 14.1MP 1080p 20x Zoom Point & Shoot Digital Camera
Merchant : Nomorerack |
$124.00 |