Black Friday Sales Panasonic MC-UG583 Performance Plus Platinum Vacuum Don't Miss
Panasonic MC-UG583 Performance Plus Platinum Vacuum is very excellent at the things it absolutely does. Keep you time and money through actually purchase at reliable merchants online. Hot Offer Panasonic MC-UG583 Performance Plus Platinum Vacuum
Price : $225.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : panasonic
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Product ID : a592351d93700a65cce29d2eee7b0543
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The product attributes are outstanding and loadeded with premium quality of Panasonic MC-UG583 Performance Plus Platinum Vacuum is the key reason that takes it among the item you shall grow possessed. In addition to, it is as well friendly-budget to your budgets also. You could look at the full product detail and look into great promos that have been up-dated coming from the shop through click the link here. You might possibly get the amazing deal and you can not refuse it, wish you have the great offer.
Panasonic MC-UG583 Performance Plus Platinum Vacuum Description
The Panasonic MC-UG583 vacuum is easily maneuverable, even in the tightest of spaces. Its 12-Amp, single-speed motor provides powerful cleaning performance at a low noise level. This cleaner has an advanced vacuum system that channels dust, dirt, and pet hair directly through the hose and into the vacuum bag to prolong the life and effectiveness of the unit. With its floating nozzle design, the machine automatically adjusts to just about any carpet height without the use of confusing knobs or levers. The Panasonic MC-UG583 upright vacuum cleaner is a dependable workhorse, suitable for any home. Motor protectionHEPA filterQuick-draw on-board toolsTri-force agitator12-inch cleaning pathMaterials: PlasticDimensions: 33 inches high x 17 inches wide x 9 inches deepWeight: 18 poundsIncluded parts: Two (2) extension wands, dusting brush, crevice toolPower source: Outlet poweredMotor: 12 ampCapacity: MediumCord reach: 30 feetHose reach: 8 feetModel: MC-UG583
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Panasonic MC-UG583 Performance Plus Platinum Vacuum
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$225.99 |