Black Friday Sale Panasonic MCCG902 Canister Vacuum Cleaner Don't Miss
If you have to compared item benefits and cost. Panasonic MCCG902 Canister Vacuum Cleaner is a good substitute for actually buy.
Price : $278.24 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
Merchant : QVC
Product ID : 24866a0707225073bf2e63b5a664a59f
Rating :
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![Panasonic MCCG902 Canister Vacuum Cleaner](
Panasonic MCCG902 Canister Vacuum Cleaner Description
The quick way to clean. Boasting an impressive 12-amp motor and four full-size cleaning attachments, this canister vacuum will have your home spic and span in no time. From Panasonic.
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