Black Friday Sales Panasonic MT440 4 channel FM video module transmitter - multimode Review
Panasonic MT440 4 channel FM video module transmitter - multimode on the market currently, just discover last selling prices comparison plus shipping and delivery readily available for aid you in getting the great offer. Hot Offer Panasonic MT440 4 channel FM video module transmitter - multimode
Price : $1521.60 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
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Product ID : fd0092265ab9f9c621fb003003f9a392
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The product attributes are outstanding and fulled of good quality of Panasonic MT440 4 channel FM video module transmitter - multimode is the main factor that makes it one of the item you will certainly get purchased. Increased, it is usually friendly budget to your budgets also. You could show the full product summary and take a look at awesome offers that have possibly been improved coming from the shop via click the link here. You could buy the amazing deal and you could not refuse it, want you get the amazing price.
Panasonic MT440 4 channel FM video module transmitter - multimode Description
"Panasonic MT440 Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Panasonic MT440 is 4 Channel FM Video Module Transmitter-Multimode. It offers a full color transmission/reception and real time video transmission/reception through multimode 4 channel FM video modul. The system requires no field adjustments at installation or additional maintenance and is completely transparent to all camera and monitor manufacturers. Panasonic MT440 provides visual indication of system status by diagnostic indicators. It is available as standalone modules or rack cards that are mounted in the card cage. The MT440 is compatible with NTSC, RS-170A & RS-343A, PAL and 500 series audio/data modulators & demodulators. MT440 Features: Fiber Optics Transceiver, Multimode 4 Channel FM Video Modul, Diagnostics: Video, Power & Optical Presence, Max Transmission Distance: 5 km, Full Color Transmission, PFM Transmission, Real Time Video Transmission, Modules or Rack Cards, Works With The Following: NTSC RS-170A RS-343A PAL 500 Series Audio/Data Modulators & Demodulators"
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Panasonic MT440 4 channel FM video module transmitter - multimode
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$1521.60 |