Black Friday 2014 Panasonic - NEW! LUMIX FZ1000K 4K QFHD/HD 16X Long Zoom Digital Camera Don't Miss
Panasonic - NEW! LUMIX FZ1000K 4K QFHD/HD 16X Long Zoom Digital Camera available recently, actually have a look at last selling prices comparison plus delivery readily available for get you the hottest deal. Hot Offer Panasonic - NEW! LUMIX FZ1000K 4K QFHD/HD 16X Long Zoom Digital Camera
Price : $899.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
Merchant : Panasonic
Product ID : 0cd7ef2d042b78bcd4bd2ce72f6d873e
Rating :
In case you are really looking to shopping item with an excellent quality together with an affordable spending plan. We highly suggested Panasonic - NEW! LUMIX FZ1000K 4K QFHD/HD 16X Long Zoom Digital Camera is one of high quality and even more prominent item item that you are looking for. Even if you learn it carefully about product information, attributes and useful customer assessments, certainly you have to certainly not refuse to acquire it one. You could inspect the current price through the hyperlink below.
Panasonic - NEW! LUMIX FZ1000K 4K QFHD/HD 16X Long Zoom Digital Camera Description
experience the ultimate in 4k qfhd/hd hybrid photography 4k qfhd 30p video with hybrid 8mp post capture large 1-inch 20.1mp mos sensor for amazing defocus control bright leica dc lens 25-400mm f2.8-4.0 super-fast lumix dfd focusing technology integrated smartphone wifi for remote imaging control
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This Item Available from 1 Store
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Panasonic - NEW! LUMIX FZ1000K 4K QFHD/HD 16X Long Zoom Digital Camera
Merchant : Panasonic |
$899.99 |