2014 Black Friday Deals Panasonic PT-TW231RU Short Throw Projector
If you should compared gadget features and value. The Panasonic PT-TW231RU Short Throw Projector is a wonderful option to spend money on.
Price : $1099.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
Merchant : FactoryOutletStore.com
Product ID : c7dd90d467d2c77b6d6220b11b200159
Rating :

The product attributes are excellent and fulled of top-notch of Panasonic PT-TW231RU Short Throw Projector is the great purpose that gets it one of the item you shall acquire bought. And, it is too friendly budget to your pockets too. You can check the complete product description and have a look at wonderful deals that have probably been up-dated directly from the shop using click the hyperlink here. You can find the amazing deal and you could not reject it, want you get the awesome offer.

Panasonic PT-TW231RU Short Throw Projector Description
"Panasonic PT-TW231RU Brand New Includes Two Year Warranty, The Panasonic PT-TW231RU is a short throw projector that can project a 1.3m wide image from just 2.13 feet away, making it perfect for small spaces. The projector delivers a resolution of 1, 280 x 800 pixels, using a high-power 230-watt lamp and an optical unit that generates 2500 lumens of brightness. It features a built-in 10 watt speaker and a HDMI digital input terminal. The PT-TW231RU has built-in Interactive feature that allows to project onto surfaces and interact without a specialized board. The included pen and pointer contain infrared sensors, that send signal back to camera module on projector, making it possible to write text, graphics or lines on the projected images. PT-TW231RU Features: Short Throw Projector, Remote Monitoring & Operation Over LAN - Using Multi Projector Monitoring & Control Software, 1.3m Wide Image From Just 2.13ft Away - Perfect for Small Classrooms, Conference Rooms, Trade Booths, Resolution: 1, 280 x 800 Pixels (WXGA) , Brightness: 2500 Lumens, 230 Watt UHM Lamp, Contrast Ratio: 500:01, Aspect Ratio: 16:10, Built-in Interactive Feature - Write Text, Graphics or Lines on Projected Images, Built-in 10 Watt Speaker, HDMI Terminal, Screen Size: 1.52-2.79 m (60-110 Inches) , Panel Size: 0.59 Inch Diagonal, Display Method: Transparent LCD panel (3, R/G/B) , Power Consumption - 350 W - Standy Mode: 0.5W ECO, 9.7W Normal, Up To 4000 Hours Lamp & Filter Replacement Cycle, Includes: Power Cord w/ Secure Lock, Wired / Wireless Remote Control, Interactive Pen & Pointer, 6 R03/LR03/AAA Type Batteries, Multi Projector Monitoring & Control Software (CD-ROM) , Logo Transfer Software (CD-ROM) , LightPen II Software (CD-ROM) , USB Cable"
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