Black Friday 2014 Panasonic PTFX400U PTFX400U LCD Projector,HDMI, RS-232, LAN, DVI 13LB Instantly
Panasonic PTFX400U PTFX400U LCD Projector,HDMI, RS-232, LAN, DVI 13LB is actually an incredibly good products at the beneficial price, worth every dollar. Very cheerful. Hot Offer Panasonic PTFX400U PTFX400U LCD Projector,HDMI, RS-232, LAN, DVI 13LB
Price : $1869.49 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
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Product ID : d3fd214cbbf91185e6c52dc5878ab712
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When you are likely searching to shopping product with a good top quality and also a reasonable budget plan. We highly suggested Panasonic PTFX400U PTFX400U LCD Projector,HDMI, RS-232, LAN, DVI 13LB is among high quality and additional popular item product that you are searching for. Also if you study it very carefully regarding item detail, features and valuable consumer overviews, obviously you have to certainly not decline to buy it one. You can look at the current price via the hyperlink under here.
Panasonic PTFX400U PTFX400U LCD Projector,HDMI, RS-232, LAN, DVI 13LB Description
Panasonic PTFX400U PTFX400U 1024 x 768 4000 lumens LCD Projector,HDMI, RS-232, LAN, DVI 13LB 600:1 Cabinet Color: White Aspect Ratio: 4:3 Contrast Ratio: 600:1 Lens: Manual (2x zoom) f Number: 1.7-2.6 Focal Length: 24.0-47.2 Display Colors: 16.77 Million Keystone Correction: -30 / +30
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Panasonic PTFX400U PTFX400U LCD Projector,HDMI, RS-232, LAN, DVI 13LB
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$1869.49 |