Black Friday Sales Panasonic UB-5838C 76 Inch Electronic White Board Instantly
Panasonic UB-5838C 76 Inch Electronic White Board for sale instantly, absolutely look at recent selling prices comparison plus delivery available for aid you in getting the best offer.
Price : $2002.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
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Product ID : 0f8a5d69cd17133a38ad01240dd36d14
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One of very good item is offer Panasonic UB-5838C 76 Inch Electronic White Board assured via a lot of opinions through real users validated that Panasonic UB-5838C 76 Inch Electronic White Board is very good and functional item and well worth the cash that they paid for. If you have any type of inquiries concerning the functions of the product or want to check the up to date price of the item. Just click on the link here, you shall discover a nice prices that undeniable.

Panasonic UB-5838C 76 Inch Electronic White Board Description
"Panasonic UB-5838C Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Panasonic UB-5838C 76"" color electronic whiteboard comes with a color scanning system that allows to scan to USB flash drives or SD Memory Cards without losing the flexibility of a conventional whiteboard. The unit is capable of scanning in PDF and JPEG formats without requirement of a driver on both Windows and Macintosh computers. The UB-5838C imitates flash USB flash memory, so you can connect the board to a PC with the USB cable to save the board content without needing any special software. The unit also has built-in security features like Password Lock and Erase Notification. UB-5838C Features: 76"" Electronic White Board, SD Memory Card/USB Flash Memory Storage - Content Can be Stored Directly from Control Panel, Color Scanning System - Color Output in PDF or JPEG Format - Driver Software Not Required, 2 Panel Surfaces - Endless Scroll Film Type, USB Computer Interface, Acts as a USB Flash Drive to Computer, Built-in Security Features - Password Lock: Prevents Saving Data Without a Password - Erase notification: Reminds to Erase Contents on Board, Easy to Use Control Panel, Eco Friendly Design, UB-5838C Includes: Clock Battery (CR2032) , 7ft USB Cable, 3 Markers (Black, Red, Blue) , Eraser, Wall Mounting Kit"
Right before you acquire Panasonic UB-5838C 76 Inch Electronic White Board, you must look into the attributes of the item, building material performance, advantages and disadvantages of the item so efficiently. By reading through customer reviews of this product, you ought to read many customer reviews. The real customers experience of these products are going to guide you determine correctly, rationally without getting mistake and really worth for the price.