Black Friday 2014 Deals Panasonic UB-T880PC Interactive Panaboard Don't Miss
If you should compared gadget specifications and price. Panasonic UB-T880PC Interactive Panaboard is a good decision to purchase.
Price : $3326.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
Merchant :
Product ID : 8f59b189459c1f67fc9b7ba31af47a77
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The product functions are outstanding and loadeded with top-notch of Panasonic UB-T880PC Interactive Panaboard is the main factor that allows it among the product you would acquire owned. In addition to, it is too friendly budget to your pockets as well. You can view the complete item information and visit special prices that have probably been up-dated from the shop through click the link here. You may possibly discover the stimulating deal and you can not deny it, wish you get the wonderful deal.
![Panasonic UB-T880PC Interactive Panaboard](
Panasonic UB-T880PC Interactive Panaboard Description
"Panasonic UB-T880PC (77"") Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Panasonic UB-T880PC is an electronic whiteboard with an embedded PC, which includes HD audio, HDMI, WiFi and Ethernet, MS Windows and built-in speakers. The UB-T880PC features Intel i5 2520M processor that provides simplicity, mobility, ease of setup, improved safety, and enhanced presentation delivery. The UB-T880PC offers a cost-effective solution as you will no longer need a separate PC to control the interactive whiteboard. One can save written and projected notes from the board directly into PC. It is versatile as the PC moves with the board without the need to unplug and carry a computer or install software on multiple PCs. UB-T880PC Features: Electronic White Board, Cost-Effective, Versatility - PC Moves w/ the Board, USB PC Interface - Save Notes on USB or PC, Capacitance Type Touch Sensor, Multi-touch - Up To 3 Touch Points, Gesture Recognition, Bundled Software - Panasonic Elite Panaboard Suite, Intel i5 2520M Processor, 3MB L2 Cache, 4GB DDR3 Standard Memory, Embedded Intel HD Graphic 100/200, 320GB HDD, Two USB 2.0 Ports, Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7, UB-T880PC Includes: 1 Power Cord, 1 Electronic Pen, 1 USB Cable, 1 Software DVD-ROM, 1 LR03 AAA Alkaline Battery, 2 Wall Mounting Plates (Left & Right) , 1 Penpoint (Replacement) , Operating Instructions"
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