Black Friday Sale Panasonic WV-ASE203 ASM200 Extension that Adds Recording Capabilit Review
With Panasonic WV-ASE203 ASM200 Extension that Adds Recording Capabilit you just begin to see added benefits which will contend with you want, immensely important it actually is a good product for value.
Price : $676.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
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Product ID : 496ecf6d0bd5bf7af7319dcc96c012c0
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The product attributes are excellent and fulled of top quality of Panasonic WV-ASE203 ASM200 Extension that Adds Recording Capabilit is the major reason that gets it one of the item you will grow had. Plus, it is usually friendly-budget to your budgets too. You can watch the complete item detail and check out excellent offers that have been improved through the store using click the link below. You can purchase the interesting offer and you can not refuse it, wish you get the very good deal.

Panasonic WV-ASE203 ASM200 Extension that Adds Recording Capabilit Description
"Panasonic WV-ASE203 Brand New, The Panasonic WV-ASE203 is a ASM200 extension software that is capable of connecting up to 100 network video recorders and digital video recorders, 64 encoders, and 256 directly connected network and analog cameras, providing centralized control of large systems . With WV-ASE203 live images can be received directly from the camera/encoder or via the recorder enabling flexible network design. The WV-ASE203 software can convert video file format from n3r to MP4 for easy viewing on a computer. For improved control of camera operations and digital recorder playback controls the software implements optional (WV-CU950) ethernet system controller . Up to 6, 400 cameras registered in the recorders and 256 cameras registered in the encoders are automatically indexed in the software. It works as an expansion software for added feature to WV-ASM200 management software. WV-ASE203 Features: Extension Software, Multiscreen & Map Display, Supports: - 16:9 Video Stream & 16:9 HD Monitor, Adds Recording Capabilities to ASM200, Direct Image Reception, Flexible Network Design, Convert n3r File Format to MP4, Integrated System Control - Camera Control - Recorder Playback Control - Switcher Control, Max. Devices Supported - 1280 Cameras (Direct) - 32, 000 Cameras (with WJ-ND400 Series Recorder) - 16, 000 Cameras (with WJ-ND300 Series Recorder) - 8, 000 Cameras (with WJ-ND200 Series Recorder) - 1280 Cameras (via Encoder) - 500 Recoders - 320 Encoders, Instinctive Operation, Supports Multiple Monitor Set-Ups, Built-In Alarm Notifications"
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Panasonic WV-ASE203 ASM200 Extension that Adds Recording Capabilit
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$676.00 | ![]() |