Black Friday 2014 Deals Panasonic WV-CW504F/15 Panasonic WV-CW504F/15 Vandal-Resistant Dom Instantly
Panasonic WV-CW504F/15 Panasonic WV-CW504F/15 Vandal-Resistant Dom is certainly an awesome products at a excellent offer, worth every cent. Truly cheerful. Hot Deal Panasonic WV-CW504F/15 Panasonic WV-CW504F/15 Vandal-Resistant Dom
Price : $588.80 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
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Product ID : 5af7f1318c3145f5e3e8ef43edb71da3
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Among exceptional product is feature Panasonic WV-CW504F/15 Panasonic WV-CW504F/15 Vandal-Resistant Dom accredited via a lot of reviews coming from actual consumers verified that Panasonic WV-CW504F/15 Panasonic WV-CW504F/15 Vandal-Resistant Dom is really great and functional product and actually worth the cash that they spent. If you have any type of inquiries concerning the features of the product or desire to check the recent price of this item. Just now click on the web link here, you shall discover a reasonable prices that irrefutable.
Panasonic WV-CW504F/15 Panasonic WV-CW504F/15 Vandal-Resistant Dom Description
"Panasonic WV-CW504F/15 Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, Panasonic's WV-CW504F/15 is a Vandal-Resistant Dome Camera that offers 650 lines color horizontal resolution. Additional features of the WV-CW504F/15 include Super Dynamic 5 technology that delivers superior image, ABF (Auto Black Focus) that ensures easy installation and stable focusin both color and B/W modes and i-VMD (intelligent-Video Motion Detection) including video motiondetection, object detection (removal and left behind) , scene change detection when lens is covered, spray painted, removed or defocused. WV-CW504F/15 Features: High Resolution: 650 TV Lines, Super Dynamic Ensures Clear Images, Auto Back Focus (ABF) Ensures Easy Installation, Vandal-Resistant, 15-50mm Varifocal Lens, Dome Camera, Super Dynamic 5 delivers Superior image, 2x Digital Zoom, i-VMD (intelligent-Video Motion Detection) , High sensitivity with Day/Night function: 0.1 lux (Color) , 0.01 lux (B/W) at F1.4 (Wide) . IR cut filter switches on/off to enhance the sensitivity in B/W mode, Adaptive Digital Noise Reduction, Auto Image Stabilizer, Internal / Line-lock / Multiplexed Vertical Drive (VD2) synchronization, 3-dimensional color conversion function, Electronic sensitivity enhancement: Auto (Up to 32x) / Manual (Up to 32x) , Electronic shutter from 1/100 (NTSC) , 1/120 (PAL) to 1/10, 000 sec, Over the Coaxial Cable Data Communication, 16 Alphanumerics Camera Title Display, Multi Language: English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Russian, Japanese, IP66 rated water and dust resistant. Compatible with IEC60529 measurement standard, Dehumidification device for use in various weather conditions, Monitor output for easier installation, 3-way hinge (horizontal, vertical and swivel rotation) , 2 pcs. mounting bracket structure, Flush mount, Optional heater maintains operating temperature 30 C 50 C (22 F 122 F) "
If you are unsure on whether to purchase Panasonic WV-CW504F/15 Panasonic WV-CW504F/15 Vandal-Resistant Dom or not, the action to aid you determine this difficulty is to look at multiple customer reviews of this item. Read numerous reviews to find out whether it is a product that satisfies your correct needs or just what this item can provide you some really beneficial or are you can forgot some disadvantages of it. So all of that ensure you get a purchase for a good reason and worth the cash you spend.
This Item Available from 1 Store
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Panasonic WV-CW504F/15 Panasonic WV-CW504F/15 Vandal-Resistant Dom
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$588.80 |