Black Friday Ads 2014 PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount for Panasonic PT-VW345NZ Right Now
PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount for Panasonic PT-VW345NZ is extremely high-quality on what it really absolutely does. Help you save time and money via buy at responsible online shops. Hot Offer PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount for Panasonic PT-VW345NZ
Price : $59.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Projector Ceiling Mounts Direct, LLC.
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Product ID : 2410f3ea6b5b4d12646987e0caebb072
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The item attributes are excellent and filled with high quality of PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount for Panasonic PT-VW345NZ is the main idea that allows it among the item you shall pick up purchased. And also, it is too friendly-budget to your budgets also. You can view the complete product description and have a look at special promos that have probably been up-dated coming from the shop through click the web link below. You may locate the stimulating deal and you could not refuse it, wish you have the excellent offer.
PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount for Panasonic PT-VW345NZ Description
PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount for Panasonic PT-VW345NZ Type: Not intended for drop/false ceilings. Features: 100% aircraft aluminum (6061-T6) construction. Projector plates are CNC machined for precise fitment. Sets the projector approximately 5" away from the ceiling. Max Tilt: +/- 80?. Detailed instructions are included for quick and easy installation. All the necessary hardware is also included. Not intended for drop/false ceilings.
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PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount for Panasonic PT-VW345NZ
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$59.95 |