Black Friday Online Deals PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 14" Extension for Acer P5290 Instantly
With this PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 14" Extension for Acer P5290 you just are conscious of the benefits which will deal with you are required, immensely important it's actually a good product for value. Hot Deal PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 14" Extension for Acer P5290
Price : $76.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Projector Ceiling Mounts Direct, LLC.
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Product ID : e8d766214ef3c8593035ff61a66dd65c
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In the event that you are likely taking into consideration to purchasing product with an extremely good top quality and an acceptable budget. We strongly suggested this PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 14" Extension for Acer P5290 is one of premium and more well-liked product product that you are searching for. Also if you examine it meticulously regarding product detail, attributes and useful consumer reviews, of course you have to not refuse to purchase it one. You could examine the up to date price through the web link under here.
PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 14" Extension for Acer P5290 Description
PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 14" Extension for Acer P5290 Type: Not intended for drop/false ceilings. Features: 100% aircraft aluminum (6061-T6) construction. Projector plates are CNC machined for precise fitment. Sets the projector approximately 14" away from the ceiling. Max Tilt: +/- 80?. Detailed instructions are included for quick and easy installation. All the necessary hardware is also included. Not intended for drop/false ceilings.
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PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 14" Extension for Acer P5290
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$76.95 |