Black Friday Online Deals PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 14" Extension for Sanyo PLV-1080HD Instantly
PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 14" Extension for Sanyo PLV-1080HD is really great at just what it does. Save you money and time via buy at authentic online shops. Hot Deal PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 14" Extension for Sanyo PLV-1080HD
Price : $76.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Projector Ceiling Mounts Direct, LLC.
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Product ID : 746b1363656adc19467233a36e2d8945
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One of excellent item is feature PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 14" Extension for Sanyo PLV-1080HD certified via a bunch of comments from real consumers verified that PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 14" Extension for Sanyo PLV-1080HD is great and usable item and actually worth the cash that they spent. If you have any kind of concerns about the functions of the product or wish to inspect the current price of the product. Right now select the hyperlink below, you will find a really great prices that obvious.
PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 14" Extension for Sanyo PLV-1080HD Description
PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 14" Extension for Sanyo PLV-1080HD Type: Not intended for drop/false ceilings. Features: 100% aircraft aluminum (6061-T6) construction. Projector plates are CNC machined for precise fitment. Sets the projector approximately 14" away from the ceiling. Max Tilt: +/- 80?. Detailed instructions are included for quick and easy installation. All the necessary hardware is also included. Not intended for drop/false ceilings.
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PCMD All-Metal Projector Ceiling Mount with 14" Extension for Sanyo PLV-1080HD
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$76.95 |