Black Friday Deals PELICAN 1450 Black Digital Camera Cases Review
In general the PELICAN 1450 Black Digital Camera Cases is quite well designed, works magnificently, I probably look into the buy online is worth the budget.
Price : $104.56 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Pelican Products, Inc.
Merchant :
Product ID : e3188669cf9a32f3e820ed34208826c3
Rating :
In the event that you are usually considering to purchasing product at an exceptional high quality as well as a reasonable offer. We very recommended this PELICAN 1450 Black Digital Camera Cases is one of high quality and even more popular item item that you are searching for. Also if you examine it carefully concerning item description, features and handy consumer overviews, obviously you need to not reject to get it one. You could inspect the latest price via the web link below.
![PELICAN 1450 Black Digital Camera Cases](
PELICAN 1450 Black Digital Camera Cases Description
PELICAN 1450 Black Digital Camera Cases Type: Hard Case Dimensions: Exterior Dimensions (L x W x D) : 16.00" x 13.00" x 6.87": (40.6 x 33 x 17.4 cm) Interior Dimensions (L x W x D) : 14.62" x 10.18" x 6.00": (37.1 x 25.8 x 15.2 cm) Specifications: Lid Depth: 1.75" (4.4 cm) Bottom Depth: 4.25" (10.8 cm) Total Depth: 6.00" (15.2 cm) Weight with foam: 6.39 lbs. (2.9 kg) Weight without foam: 5.51 lbs. (2.5 kg) Buoyancy Max.: 30 lbs. (13.61 kg) Range Temperature: 40 / 210A F (-40 / 99A C) No. of Wheels: 2 Features: Watertight, crushproof, and dust proof Easy open Double Throw latches Open cell core with solid wall design - strong, light weight O-ring seal Automatic Pressure Equalization Valve Comfortable rubber over-molded handle Stainless steel hardware and padlock protectors Pick N Pluck with convoluted lid foam Personalized nameplate service available Lifetime Guarantee of Ex...
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