Black Friday 2014 PENTAX smc DA* 60-250mm f/4 ED (IF) SDM Lens Right Now
PENTAX smc DA* 60-250mm f/4 ED (IF) SDM Lens available for purchase now, really find out current prices comparison along with delivery accessible for get you the best bargain. Hot Offer PENTAX smc DA* 60-250mm f/4 ED (IF) SDM Lens
Price : $1396.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : PENTAX
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Product ID : 2b685df0810f6381619e322bc06ed904
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In the event that you are likely taking into consideration to paying for item with a really good high quality including an affordable offer. We highly recommended this PENTAX smc DA* 60-250mm f/4 ED (IF) SDM Lens is among premium and even more prominent product product that you are trying to find. Even if you research it thoroughly regarding item description, attributes and handy customer assessments, obviously you need to not refuse to acquire it one. You could inspect the up-to-date price from the link here.
PENTAX smc DA* 60-250mm f/4 ED (IF) SDM Lens Description
PENTAX smc DA* 60-250mm f/4 ED (IF) SDM Lens Type: Zoom Lens Specifications: LENS MOUNT: PENTAX KAF2 FOCAL LENGTH: 60-250mm (equiv 92-383mm) APERTURE: f/4 MIN APERTURE: f/32 LENS CONSTRUCTION: 15 elements in 13 groups ANGLE OF VIEW: 26.5-6.5? (w/ PENTAX DSLR) MIN FOCUSING DISTANCE: 3.6' (1.1m) MAX MAGNIFICATION: 0.15X DIAPHRAGM CONTROL: Fully Automatic NUMBER OF APERTURE BLADES: 9 MAX DIAMETER X MIN LENGTH: 3.2" x 6.6" (82 x 167.5mm) WEIGHT (W/O HOOD) : 36.7 oz. (1040g) Features: High performance zoom telephoto lens. PENTAX SDM autofocus system for accurate, quiet focusing performance. Weather and dust resistant construction for safe and reliable operation in the field. Quick-shift Focus System for instant switching from autofocus to manual focus. PENTAX SP coating protects the exposed lens elements. ED lens elements compensate for chromatic aberration. Focal length equivalent to...
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