Black Friday 2014 Photoflex SK-FF200DMXTB Flexflash Double 200Watt Kit With Medium Litedome Right Now
Photoflex SK-FF200DMXTB Flexflash Double 200Watt Kit With Medium Litedome for purchase currently, take a moment to notice the latest selling prices comparison as well as shipping and delivery accessible for assist you in getting the best offer.
Price : $1299.94 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Photoflex
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Product ID : ea0104e45e4cca1cfde486f30d470bf2
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In case you are likely thinking about to getting item at a top notch high quality and also an affordable spending plan. We strongly suggested this Photoflex SK-FF200DMXTB Flexflash Double 200Watt Kit With Medium Litedome is one of top quality and more popular product item that you are searching for. Also if you learn it carefully about product description, attributes and valuable consumer overviews, naturally you should certainly not refuse to acquire it one. You can check out the recent price via the link under here.

Photoflex SK-FF200DMXTB Flexflash Double 200Watt Kit With Medium Litedome Description
The Flex Flash 200W Strobe LiteDome Kit comes equipped with two Flex Flash 200W strobes two Compact LiteStands medium LiteDomes two Type S OctoConnectors and a convenient carry case. This strobe has a full-featured easy to read digital screen with a flash duration of 1/1200 second. The Flex Flash 200w is ideal for portraiture and family photography. The LiteDome is the worlds' most popular softbox consistently delivering even natural light from the stobe. Our patented Quick Release Corners (QRC) make setup and teardown a snap. Additionally PhotoFlex Compact LiteStands are indispensible for the photographer on the go with reverse leg folding technology that can fit in a small backpack or case. This kit is designed smart powerfully built for today's photographer yet attractively priced.Flex Flash 200 StrobeFull-featured oversized LCD display with bold power level indicator easy to read at any angle and when positioned high on a LiteStand.Auto power dumping.Maximum sync speed optical at 1/320th sec.Pre-flash detection system allows infrared synchronization with speedlights.Automatic cooling / ventilation system.Auto voltage detection 90 260V (modeling lamp e x cluded) for worldwide use.250-watt proportional modeling lamp allows for continuous light shooting as well as strobe.LiteDomeRemovable Face and Baffle - allows you to adjust the natural soft light to create just the right diffusion and contrast.Light Spread - Softens the light source and eliminates the hot spot.White interior panels.QRC (Quick Release Corners) - creates stronger corners and makes it easier to break down.Suspension loops - suspends the light without Boom/Boom Stand.Grids and Dome Accessory Kit - attach to the face to create different effects.
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Photoflex SK-FF200DMXTB Flexflash Double 200Watt Kit With Medium Litedome
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$1299.94 | ![]() |