Black Friday 2014 Deals Piel 9117-BLK Black Radio- Video- Camera Bag Right Now
With the Piel 9117-BLK Black Radio- Video- Camera Bag you only begin to see the advantages which usually get together with you would like, strongly recommended it really is a good product for value. Hot Deal Piel 9117-BLK Black Radio- Video- Camera Bag
Price : $164.50 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Piel
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Product ID : f7ec1eafdb62f56f18237df4d3a91cec
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Piel 9117-BLK Black Radio- Video- Camera Bag Description
For over 35 years Piel Leather goods have been made from the finest selection of top grain vaquetta cowhides high quality hardware superior craftsmanship durability and innovation. The unique designs complement the natural markings tone variations and character of each individual hide. Personal attention and careful hand work allow us to produce leather goods of exceptional distinction and durability. Whether you are looking for a unique luggage set an executive briefcase a quality travel bag an innovative promotional leather product or a golf accessory you have found an extensive line of exciting new colors and styles that will pay dividends for many years to come. One main compartment three outside zip pockets handle and adjustable shoulder strap.
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Piel 9117-BLK Black Radio- Video- Camera Bag
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$164.50 |