Black Friday 2014 Pixel Vertax D11 Battery Grip for Nikon D7000

Overall this Pixel Vertax D11 Battery Grip for Nikon D7000 is very well made, is working wonderfully, I completely notice the decide to purchase may well be worth the extra money.

Pixel Vertax D11 Battery Grip for Nikon D7000

Hot Deal Pixel Vertax D11 Battery Grip for Nikon D7000
Price : $260.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : OEM
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Product ID : 86474f0f64d7adfafced1edbceea3287
Rating :

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Pixel Vertax D11 Battery Grip for Nikon D7000

Pixel Vertax D11 Battery Grip for Nikon D7000 Description

Pixel Vertax D11 Battery Grip for Nikon D7000 Type: Other

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Pixel Vertax D11 Battery Grip for Nikon D7000
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price as of : 2014-11-07