Black Friday 2014 PowerShot ELPH 150 IS Red 20MP Digital Camera, Compact Case and 16GB microSD Card with Adapter Instantly
With PowerShot ELPH 150 IS Red 20MP Digital Camera, Compact Case and 16GB microSD Card with Adapter you basically begin to see the added advantages which will satisfy you would like, strongly suggested it is actually a good product for value.
Price : $199.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Merchant : Sears
Product ID : 79f5dafb63e590b5241c662045633163
Rating :
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![PowerShot ELPH 150 IS Red 20MP Digital Camera, Compact Case and 16GB microSD Card with Adapter](
PowerShot ELPH 150 IS Red 20MP Digital Camera, Compact Case and 16GB microSD Card with Adapter Description
The Canon 9362B001-3-KIT comes complete with a PowerShot ELPH 150 IS Red 20MP Digital Camera, Tahoe 30 Compact Case and 16GB microSD Card with Adapter. The ELPH 150 IS, an ultra-slim, brilliantly stylish camera, slips right into your pocket. With 10x Optical Zoom you can reach right into the action to frame a shot just the way you want it. The CCD sensor captures the smallest details with superb clarity, naturally vivid color and beautiful luminosity. For all its sophisticated imaging capabilities the ELPH 150 IS camera is extremely easy to use. Smart AUTO ensures you'll always get the best shot by automatically selecting the perfect camera settings for 32 shooting situations. Plus Intelligent IS keeps photos and videos clear and steady controlling camera shake. The Tahoe 30 Compact Camera Pouch is a lightweight protective way to carry compact digital devices. Plus the 16GB microSD Memory Card with Adapter is the perfect solution for casual mobile device users.
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