2014 Black Friday Deals Preference Toric XR - 4 Pack Custom Lens-4 lenses per Box Right Now
Preference Toric XR - 4 Pack Custom Lens-4 lenses per Box is really a beneficial gadgets at a awesome offer, worth the cost. Actually pleased.
Price : $139.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Preference Toric
Merchant : Vision Direct
Product ID : ae56d12f4ef8ad882a384e4a64f21722
Rating :
In the event that you are certainly searching to getting item at an amazing quality including an affordable spending plan. We highly advised Preference Toric XR - 4 Pack Custom Lens-4 lenses per Box is just one of premium and even more well-liked item product that you are trying to find. Also if you learn it thoroughly about product detail, functions and helpful consumer evaluations, obviously you should not refuse to buy it one. You could check the recent price from the web link here.
![Preference Toric XR - 4 Pack Custom Lens-4 lenses per Box](http://i61.tinypic.com/33lzi81.png)
Preference Toric XR - 4 Pack Custom Lens-4 lenses per Box Description
Comfort & Clarity of VisionQuarterly Replacement Schedule For People With AstigmatismOne Year Supply = 2 Boxes (1 per eye) Packaging: 4 Lenses per boxManufacturer: Cooper VisionLens Material: Tetrafilcon A 57%Each box contains four 3-month disposable soft contact lens in buffered saline solution. Packaging Note: Both the Preference Toric & Preference Toric XR use the same vial, packaging, & label. However, Preference Toric XR is custom made to an expanded parameter range. If you are concerned you have received the wrong product, please verify the powers are correct on the vial. If the power is correct, please be assured you have received the Preference Toric XR.
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This Item Available from 1 Store
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Preference Toric XR - 4 Pack Custom Lens-4 lenses per Box
Merchant : Vision Direct |
$139.99 | ![]() |