Black Friday Sales 2014 Quad output Wall Charger includes tip for the Fujifilm Finepix XP200
General the Quad output Wall Charger includes tip for the Fujifilm Finepix XP200 is quite nicely made, will work perfectly, I completely think the decide to purchase will be worth extra money. Hot Deal Quad output Wall Charger includes tip for the Fujifilm Finepix XP200
Price : $39.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Gomadic
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Product ID : 8a4235e66c631af6488aaaf64de43fb9
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Quad output Wall Charger includes tip for the Fujifilm Finepix XP200 Description
Quad output Wall Charger includes tip for the Fujifilm Finepix XP200 Compatibility: Fujifilm Finepix XP200 Height: 2 Width: 4 Depth: 6 Weight: 0.4 Labor: Yes Parts: Lifetime Warranty
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Quad output Wall Charger includes tip for the Fujifilm Finepix XP200
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$39.95 |