Black Friday Deals RECONYX HyperFire High Output Covert IR 3.1 Megapixel Digital Scouting Camera Don't Miss
RECONYX HyperFire High Output Covert IR 3.1 Megapixel Digital Scouting Camera is really a really good stuff at the excellent selling price, worth every cent. Actually satisfied.
Price : $549.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Reconyx
Merchant : Bass Pro Shops
Product ID : fc61b9d6c9ca59526ce718f54e68fd58
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The product features are exceptional and fulled of top quality of RECONYX HyperFire High Output Covert IR 3.1 Megapixel Digital Scouting Camera is the important reason that makes it among the item you shall grow possessed. Along with, it is additionally friendly budget to your pockets also. You could check out the complete product specification and look at wonderful advertisings that have probably been upgraded from the shop via click the hyperlink here. You may possibly purchase the amazing offer and you can not refuse it, desire you have the excellent deal.

RECONYX HyperFire High Output Covert IR 3.1 Megapixel Digital Scouting Camera Description
Full-rich-color 1080P high-definition video and photos Speeds as high as two frames per second Trigger speed: 1/5 second Image data: time, date, temperature, and moon phase Exclusive No-Glow technology centered on the Ultra HD IR lens IR flash range: up to 50' Ultra-compact 4.5inch x 5.5inch case SD card slot Uses 6 or 12 AA batteries for up to one year continuous use or up to 40,000 photos Why settle for grainy images and unwanted time lapses, when you can enjoy lush, full-rich-color 1080P high-definition video and photos at speeds as high as two frames per second? And thats just daytime; with trigger speeds to 1/5 second and exclusive No-Glow technology centered on the Ultra HD IR lens, theres no ''red glow'' to spook your game at nightand your infrared images always come out sharp and clear. IR flash range: 50'; ultra-compact 4.5inch x 5.5inch case; SD card slot (card not included) . Uses 6 or 12 AA batteries (not included) for up to one year continuous use or up to 40,000 photos. ''You can count on RECONYX Scouting Cameras to be on the cutting edge of technology and performance!'' Mark and Terry Drury Co-Founders, Drury Outdoors Manufacturer model #: HC600.
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Image | Item | Price | |
RECONYX HyperFire High Output Covert IR 3.1 Megapixel Digital Scouting Camera
Merchant : Bass Pro Shops |
$549.99 | ![]() |