Deals Black Friday On Ricoh K-3 23.4 Megapixel Digital SLR Camera (Body Only) - Black Right Now
When you have to compared item functionality and price. This Ricoh K-3 23.4 Megapixel Digital SLR Camera (Body Only) - Black is the right substitute for shop for.
Price : $1112.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Ricoh Imaging Company, Ltd.
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Product ID : 2a3d98035fdc9229ed30d714334a38fc
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The product attributes are exceptional and fulled of premium quality of Ricoh K-3 23.4 Megapixel Digital SLR Camera (Body Only) - Black is the significant reason that makes it one of the item you will certainly really get had. And, it is usually friendly-budget to your pockets as well. You could check out the complete item summary and look at special promos that have possibly been upgraded directly from the store via click the hyperlink below. You might possibly buy the beneficial offer and you can not refute it, desire you get the very good offer.

Ricoh K-3 23.4 Megapixel Digital SLR Camera (Body Only) - Black Description
The New Standard of Performance Benchmarked as the most advanced enthusiast DSLR available, featuring unparalleled technology and specifications, the PENTAX K-3 will set your photography free with the new standard of imaging performance and unsurpassed user-flexibility. The K-3 touts 24 effective mega-pixels in an APS-C sensor, continuous shooting at an incredible 8.3 frames per second, and champions the worlds first selectable anti-aliasing filter, giving the user the ability to easily toggle anti-aliasing functionality on or off, for supreme resolution and zero limitation. Power your pictures using the new top-tier SAFOX11 autofocus module, and go beyond wireless functionality with the new FLU card SDHC technology for complete remote camera control, and image transfer. Complete, and capable for every serious photographer, also enjoy professional H.264 video capture, dual memory card slots, and the distinguished PENTAX weather sealing in a stunning magnesium alloy body. Harness the summit of the K-mount with the PENTAX K-3. Manufacturer: Ricoh Imaging Company, Ltd. Manufacturer Part Number: 15530 Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Ricoh Product Model: K-3 Product Name: K-3 Digital SLR Camera Product Type: Digital SLR Camera Display & Graphics: Display Screen Type: LCD Display & Graphics: Touchscreen: No Display & Graphics: Image Sensor Type: CMOS Image: Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Image: Image Formats: JPEG Video: Video Formats: MOV Video: HD Movie Mode: Yes Lens: Digital Zoom: No Lens: Image Stabilization: Optical Lens: Focus Modes: Manual Flash: Flash Modes: Slow Sync Viewfinder: Viewfinder Type: SLR Memory: Memory Card Supported: Flucard Interfaces/Ports: USB: Yes Interfaces/Ports: HDMI: Yes Built-in Devices: Built-in Devices: Speaker Battery Informat
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Ricoh K-3 23.4 Megapixel Digital SLR Camera (Body Only) - Black
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$1112.99 | ![]() |