2014 Black Friday Cheap Price Rodenstock 150128 45mm f-4.5 Apo-Sironar Digital Lens
If you have to in comparison product features and cost. This Rodenstock 150128 45mm f-4.5 Apo-Sironar Digital Lens is a reasonable decision to spend money on. Hot Offer Rodenstock 150128 45mm f-4.5 Apo-Sironar Digital Lens
Price : $3767.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Rodenstock
Merchant : UnbeatableSale.com
Product ID : 18637dc5b66a8b610a2156f1fd16497e
Rating :
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Rodenstock 150128 45mm f-4.5 Apo-Sironar Digital Lens Description
The Rodenstock 45mm f/4.5 Apo-Sironar digital Lens is a wide angle large format lens specifically designed for use with digital backs which require a smaller image circle with extreme resolution color correction and maximum performance at a large aperture. This lens is recommended for use with backs having a maximum image area of 72 x 96mm capturing a view similar to that of a 16mm lens on a 35mm format camera. This Apo-Sironar digital is delivered in a standard type Copal #0 shutter. In many cases digital photography is superior to conventional photography if the desired end product is a printed image. To achieve this ideal however a much higher demand is made upon the image reproduction quality of the lens. This is because of a digital image chips smaller area which means finer details in a scene are squeezed into a smaller image recording area as well as their sensitivity to color fringes. But Rodenstocks digitally-specific lenses such as this Apo-Sironar digital provide image quality which allows the maximum capacity of a digital back to be realized. The lens utilizes every technological possibility to get as close as possible to the absolute limits of diffraction-determined resolution even accounting for the properties and thickness of a CCDs protective glass. With the Apo-Sironar digital you can use digital backs with a pixel pitch as small as 5 . This lens is recommended for use at apertures of f/8 - 11; you should primarily use your cameras movements to control the depth of field. Extreme high resolution lens specifically for digital backs as large as 72 x 96mm. Produces extremely fine uniform 125mm image circle. Wide angle view with 107 coverage. Apochromatic design to eliminate color fringing. Ideal working aperture range of f/8 - 11. Accepts 67mm threaded filters. Rear barrel diameter of 60mm. Stand
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