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Price : $349.09 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Rokinon
Merchant : Staples
Product ID : 8a1e917cc02fdd6ab2d61658ba00fac0
Rating :
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Rokinon 28FE8MBK 8 mm f/22- f/2.8 Ultra Wide Angle UMC Fisheye Lens For Fujifilm X, Black Description
Rokinon 28FE8MBK 8 mm f/22- f/2.8 Ultra Wide Angle UMC Fisheye Lens For Fujifilm X, Black
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This Item Available from 1 Store
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Rokinon 28FE8MBK 8 mm f/22- f/2.8 Ultra Wide Angle UMC Fisheye Lens For Fujifilm X, Black
Merchant : Staples |
$349.09 |