Black Friday 2014 Rokinon 500mm f/8.0 Mirror Lens & 2x Teleconverter with Tripod + Accessory Kit for Nikon 1 J1 J2 V1 Digital Cameras Right Now
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Price : $134.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Rokinon
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Product ID : 29fcea82c8853be7faec3c18a6eb82ef
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Rokinon 500mm f/8.0 Mirror Lens & 2x Teleconverter with Tripod + Accessory Kit for Nikon 1 J1 J2 V1 Digital Cameras Description
Rokinon 500mm f/8.0 Mirror Lens & 2x Teleconverter with Tripod + Accessory Kit for Nikon 1 J1 J2 V1 Digital Cameras
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