Black Friday 2014 Deals Rokinon DS 50mm T1.5 Full Frame Wide Angle Cine Lens for Micro Four Thirds Mount Right Now
Rokinon DS 50mm T1.5 Full Frame Wide Angle Cine Lens for Micro Four Thirds Mount is really a beneficial items for a really good total price, worth every penny. Totally cheerful.
Price : $549.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Rokinon
Merchant : Beach Trading Co.
Product ID : cd48ae8976534fb9ab3050b1f279eebd
Rating :

The product attributes are superb and loadeded with high quality of Rokinon DS 50mm T1.5 Full Frame Wide Angle Cine Lens for Micro Four Thirds Mount is the main idea that takes it one of the item you will really get owned. As well as, it is usually friendly budget to your wallets too. You can find the full item summary and inspect out amazing prices that have been up-dated through the shop using click the web link below. You might possibly buy the beneficial deal and you could not refute it, wish you have the exceptional deal.

Rokinon DS 50mm T1.5 Full Frame Wide Angle Cine Lens for Micro Four Thirds Mount Description
The long awaited Rokinon 50mm T1.5 Cine Lens is finally here! The new Rokinon Cine DS 50mm T1.5 Cine Lens is one of Rokinon's newly introduced 2nd generation of cine lenses under its CINE DS line. The Rokinon Cine DS lineup has 3 primary advantages: 1) All of the gears are unified among all Rokinon Cine DS lenses. The focus and aperture gears are exactly aligned so that the user does not have to re-adjust his/her follow focus when swapping out lenses. 2) The new Cine DS lenses now feature dual focusing scales, one on each side. 3) All of the Cine DS lenses are tested to be color matched to provide the same color contrast in video production. Full frame coverage with aperture range of T1.5 - T22 46.2 degrees angle of view on full frame cameras 29.0 degrees angle of view on APS-C Features de-clicked apertures and follow focus compatibility and includes removable lens hood, lens pouch, lens caps, instruction manual and 1 year Rokinon warranty Minimum focusing distance of 1.45 ft; Uses filter size of 77mm
If you need useful information concerning the pros and cons about Rokinon DS 50mm T1.5 Full Frame Wide Angle Cine Lens for Micro Four Thirds Mount. The easiest approach is you can view it through the customer reviews regarding this product. The actual experiences of users which making use of the products that just how they provide rating for this product and what they enjoy and not enjoy relating to this item. One of the most important is this product has the ability to be put to work exactly just as you need or otherwise. This is one of the essential information you have to discover.
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Rokinon DS 50mm T1.5 Full Frame Wide Angle Cine Lens for Micro Four Thirds Mount
Merchant : Beach Trading Co. |
$549.00 | ![]() |