Black Friday Deals Samsung - 55" Class (54-5/8" Diag.) - Led - 4k Ultra Hd Tv (2160p) - 60hz - Smart - Hdtv Don't Miss
Can be a safe in comparison item characteristics and cost. This Samsung - 55" Class (54-5/8" Diag.) - Led - 4k Ultra Hd Tv (2160p) - 60hz - Smart - Hdtv is the perfect choice to buy. Hot Offer Samsung - 55" Class (54-5/8" Diag.) - Led - 4k Ultra Hd Tv (2160p) - 60hz - Smart - Hdtv
Price : $1999.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant : Best Buy
Product ID : 8d3f7a2de9dfd65991f47396ed13ab5f
Rating :
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Samsung - 55" Class (54-5/8" Diag.) - Led - 4k Ultra Hd Tv (2160p) - 60hz - Smart - Hdtv Description
Samsung - 55" Class (54-5/8" Diag.) - Led - 4k Ultra Hd Tv (2160p) - 60hz - Smart - Hdtv
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