Black Friday Deals Samsung Camera EC-WB2200BPBUS16mp Wb2200f Digitsmartcam Blk Review
Samsung Camera EC-WB2200BPBUS16mp Wb2200f Digitsmartcam Blk available on the market today, absolutely take a look at most current selling prices comparison along with shipping and delivery available for help you to get the best bargain. Hot Offer Samsung Camera EC-WB2200BPBUS16mp Wb2200f Digitsmartcam Blk
Price : $766.04 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
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Product ID : 3fe7a58ada8855cd627abbc8969d3900
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Samsung Camera EC-WB2200BPBUS16mp Wb2200f Digitsmartcam Blk Description
Samsung WB2200F Digital Smart Camera (Black) . 16MP BSI CMOS Sensor. 60x Optical Zoom. Wide-angle 20mm Lens. 3.0 hVGA LCD Screen. 1080/30p Full HD Movie Video.
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