2014 Black Friday Samsung DV393ETPAWR-WF393BTPAWR Neat White Front Load Washer and Don't Miss
All in all this Samsung DV393ETPAWR-WF393BTPAWR Neat White Front Load Washer and is perfectly produced, functions perfectly, I most certainly feel the decide to buy may be worth extra money. Hot Deal Samsung DV393ETPAWR-WF393BTPAWR Neat White Front Load Washer and
Price : $2096.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant : Build.com
Product ID : b0c19d5056ffa8b1b8d1ab397e405c3c
Rating :
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Samsung DV393ETPAWR-WF393BTPAWR Neat White Front Load Washer and Description
WF393BTPA Washer Features:Large Capacity: Wash more in less loads with this 3.6 cu. ft. washerSteam Wash: Save time by skipping stain pre-treatments and use steam instead to eliminate stainsVRT- Technology: Special sensors keep the load balanced even at high spin speeds, reducing noisePureCycle-: A cycle designed to keep the drum fresh and clean by removing dirt and detergent residue using hot waterDiamond Drum: Smaller holes in the drum help prevent fabric damageNSF CertifiedENERGY STAR DV393ETPA Electric Dryer Features:Large Capacity: With 7.4 cu. ft. of space you can dry more clothes in less timeSteam Dry: Helps remove odors, freshen clothes, and relaxes wrinkles to reduce the need to ironSensor Dry: Automatically adjusts drying time based on moisture to prevent over or under dryingDelay Start: Start drying when its convenient for youNSF Certified Steam Sanitize Cycle: Eliminates 99.9% of household bacteria13 Dry Cycles: Refresh, Wrinkle Away, Normal, Heavy Duty, Towels, Permanent Press, Bedding PLUS, Delicates, Wool, Sanitize, Time Dry, Air Fluff, and Quick DryReversible Door To purchase the GAS Version of this Laundry Package Search "DV393GTPA-WF393BTPA".
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Samsung DV393ETPAWR-WF393BTPAWR Neat White Front Load Washer and
Merchant : Build.com |
$2096.00 |