Black Friday Deals Samsung EC-CL80ZZBPBUS CL80 14.2 Megapixels WiFi Digital Camera - 7x Optical/5x Digital Zoom - 3.7-inch LCD Display - 720p Video - Black Instantly
Samsung EC-CL80ZZBPBUS CL80 14.2 Megapixels WiFi Digital Camera - 7x Optical/5x Digital Zoom - 3.7-inch LCD Display - 720p Video - Black is really good at the things it can do. Save you time and money through purchase at responsible online stores.
Price : $125.97 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant : Tech For Less
Product ID : f1d072d5a24e9a499ca8fb2f4ad80943
Rating :
If you are taking into consideration to getting product with a really good top quality as well as a sensible spending plan. We highly recommended Samsung EC-CL80ZZBPBUS CL80 14.2 Megapixels WiFi Digital Camera - 7x Optical/5x Digital Zoom - 3.7-inch LCD Display - 720p Video - Black is among leading quality and additional popular product product that you are looking for. Also if you learn it very carefully regarding product information, features and practical customer testimonials, of program you need to certainly not decline to purchase it one. You could check the up-to-date price through the link below.
![Samsung EC-CL80ZZBPBUS CL80 14.2 Megapixels WiFi Digital Camera - 7x Optical/5x Digital Zoom - 3.7-inch LCD Display - 720p Video - Black](
Samsung EC-CL80ZZBPBUS CL80 14.2 Megapixels WiFi Digital Camera - 7x Optical/5x Digital Zoom - 3.7-inch LCD Display - 720p Video - Black Description
The Samsung CL80 Digital Camera combines advanced imaging technologies to provide DSLR quality photos and video in a compact, easy to use package. Built on a high resolution 14 megapixel image sensor, the camera renders all of your subjects with life like color and fine detail. The high powered 7x optical zoom lens provides a true 31mm wide angle of view. The 3.7 inch Touchscreen display not only helps you compose your photos, it also allows you to organize and view your images with the Smart Album feature. Share images and videos wirelessly. Instantly send a photo to another mobile phone using Bluetooth. Or rely on the Wi Fi capability to email it directly from the camera or upload it seamlessly to Picassa, Facebook, YouTube, and You can even upload a video you just shot to YouTube.
If you are unsure on whether to acquire Samsung EC-CL80ZZBPBUS CL80 14.2 Megapixels WiFi Digital Camera - 7x Optical/5x Digital Zoom - 3.7-inch LCD Display - 720p Video - Black or otherwise, the method to assist you choose this difficulty is to look at multiple customer reviews of this item. Check out several assessments to determine whether it is an item that fulfills your correct requirements or just what this product can provide you some truly beneficial or are you can ignored some down sides of it. So all of that ensure you get a purchasing for an excellent reason and worth the money you pay out.