Black Friday Sales 2014 Samsung GX-SM530CF Network Audio/Video Player - Wireless LAN - Black Instantly
In general this Samsung GX-SM530CF Network Audio/Video Player - Wireless LAN - Black is exceptionally well created, functions wonderfully, I honestly notice the shop for will probably be worth the extra budget.
Price : $129.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant :
Product ID : 41442a6dc181a2dbfef5dd19c6b19838
Rating :
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![Samsung GX-SM530CF Network Audio/Video Player - Wireless LAN - Black](
Samsung GX-SM530CF Network Audio/Video Player - Wireless LAN - Black Description
Smart Media Player Introducing the Samsung Smart Media Player, the ultimate upgrade for any TV in your home. It serves as your cable box and gives you access to smart apps, including Netflix Replace Your Cable Box Upgrading any TV has never been easier. The Smart Media Player not only makes your TV Smarter, but also seamlessly integrates your cable box into one box, with one remote. It works with most cable providers, so no change is necessary, and it can even save you money. All you need is a cable card provided by your cable company, which cost less than the standard cable box and remote rental. And unlike other media boxes, you never pay monthly service fees. Smart Hub Apps and Service Expand your movie and TV content with streaming apps like Netflix Full Web Browser Enjoy full web browsing - stream the newest videos, download your favorite apps, shop online, visit your favor- ite sites and instantly switch back to live TV. Manufacturer: Samsung Manufacturer Part Number: GX-SM530CF/XAA Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Samsung Product Model: GX-SM530CF Product Name: GX-SM530CF Smart Media Player Product Type: Network Audio/Video Player Technical Information: Internet Streaming: Yes Technical Information: Features: Web Browser Video: Video Formats: WMV8 Video: Scanning Modes: Progressive Scan Video: Scan Format: 1080p Audio: Sound System: Dolby Digital Audio: Audio Formats: HE-AAC Image: Image Formats: JPEG Network & Communication: Ethernet: Yes Network & Communication: Ethernet Technology: Fast Ethernet Network & Communication: Wireless LAN: Yes Network & Communication: Wireless LAN Standard: IEEE 802.11n Interfaces/Ports: HDMI: Yes Interfaces/Ports: USB: Yes Management
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