Black Friday 2014 Samsung NX300 20.3MP White Mirrorless Digital Camera with 18-55mm Lens Instantly
Samsung NX300 20.3MP White Mirrorless Digital Camera with 18-55mm Lens is extremely a very good stuff for a amazing price, worth every penny. Totally joyful. Hot Offer Samsung NX300 20.3MP White Mirrorless Digital Camera with 18-55mm Lens
Price : $542.69 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung
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Product ID : 8d3b6a60294c671f61953848d4ba7784
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In the case that you are actually looking to purchasing item at a great quality including an affordable deal. We highly suggested this Samsung NX300 20.3MP White Mirrorless Digital Camera with 18-55mm Lens is one of top-notch and additional well-liked product product that you are seeking. Even if you learn it carefully concerning item description, functions and valuable customer evaluations, naturally you have to certainly not refuse to purchase it one. You can check the present price via the link here.
Samsung NX300 20.3MP White Mirrorless Digital Camera with 18-55mm Lens Description
The NX300 Mirrorless digital camera with 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 OIS lens from Samsung offers dual channel Wi-Fi via Smart Camera app, 3D, GPS, stylish retro design, hybrid auto focus system, 100-25600 ISO sensitivity, continuous shooting up to 8.6fps and more Display: Large 3.31-inch AMOLED tilt touchscreen display with WVGA 800 x 480 resolution 768K dots Tilt display flips up 90 degrees and down 45 degrees Live View and 100 percent screen coverageResolution: 20.3 megapixel APS-C CMOS sensor and the DRIMe IV image processing engineZoom: The 18-55 f/3.5-5.6 OIS lens is a compact zoom lens with lens shift Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) The 35mm focal length equivalency of 28-85mm is an ideal range for everyday shooting with wide angle to short telephoto capability and intuitive i-Function lens Minimum focus distance 11.02-inch, groups 9 elements 12, diaphragm blades 7, filter thread 58mm and image stabilization A fast hybrid auto focus system that combines phase detection AF with contrast detect AFShutter speed: 30 to 1/6000 secondsMemory: SD, SDHC, SDXCPicture format: JPEG, RAWVideo format: MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Full HD 1080p 60fps videoInterface: HDMI D (micro) , USB 2.0, WiFi capable and no built-in flash but includes flashPower: Rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack 1130mAh Battery life is 160 minutes and or 320 shots (CIPA standard) Color: WhiteModel: EV-NX300ZBQUUSIncluded items: 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 OIS compact zoom lens, SEF-8A hot shoe mount flash unit, BP1130 lithium-ion battery, wall charger, body cap, lens cap, Adobe Lightroom softwareDimensions: Camera 2.51 inches high x 4.8 inches wide x 1.6 inches deep Lens 2.56 inches high x 2.48 inches deepWeight: Camera 0.62 pounds. Lens 0.44 pounds. Combines 1.05 pounds
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