Black Friday 2014 Samsung NX300 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 20-50mm F/3.5-5.6 ED II Lens (Black) Right Now
Generally this Samsung NX300 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 20-50mm F/3.5-5.6 ED II Lens (Black) is extremely well designed, really works amazingly, I certainly notice the shop for may be worth the extra budget.
Price : $647.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant : Beach Trading Co.
Product ID : 23a9de8f2bcd4ae3fca858313efb5b84
Rating :
If you are certainly thinking about to buying product with a good quality together with a sensible price. We extremely suggested Samsung NX300 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 20-50mm F/3.5-5.6 ED II Lens (Black) is one of top-notch and additional prominent product product that you are searching for. Also if you study it very carefully about item specification, attributes and helpful consumer overviews, naturally you should certainly not reject to acquire it one. You can inspect the present price via the link here.
![Samsung NX300 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 20-50mm F/3.5-5.6 ED II Lens (Black)](
Samsung NX300 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 20-50mm F/3.5-5.6 ED II Lens (Black) Description
Fast and powerful, the Samsung SMART CAMERA NX300 allows you to quickly and perfectly capture spontaneous, even magical moments throughout your day. High performance made portable - the on-the-go photographer never had it this good. The NX300 features an ultra-sensitive 20.3MP APS-C CMOS sensor and an advanced hybrid autofocus system for delivering detailed images that obliterate the line between professional and enthusiast. And thanks to its 1/6000 shutter speed, you can keep up with the action - any action - and precisely capture a fast-paced moment you would otherwise miss. Advanced 20.3M APS-C CMOS Sensor Worthy of professional photographers, but made for the enthusiast, the 20.3MP APS-C CMOS sensor - now with Phase detection AF - delivers high-quality images and lifelike colors with the highest resolution in its class. It's also ideal for out-focusing photography, thanks to a sensor that's the largest used in a mirrorless camera. The sensor, which measures 23.5mm x 15.7mm, collects the most light so you can create beautiful images without noise, even in low-lit situations. Advanced Hybrid AF System The Hybrid AF (autofocus) system combines Phase detection AF and Contrast AF for faster and more accurate autofocusing. Phase detection AF nearly instantaneously determines the distance of your subject, while Contrast AF fine-tunes the focus for maximum contrast. Enabled by an incredibly short shutter lag, the Hybrid AF System allows you to shoot accurate, sharply detailed images faster. 8.6fps Continuous Shooting When you're shooting fast-moving action such as a tennis player stretching for a shot at the net, you'll effortlessly capture the entire sequence with a series of brilliantly clear stills. The NX300 lets you shoot continuously at an ultra-fast rate of 8.6 frames per second to ensure you get the shot you want. The advanced autofocus system brings crystal clarity to fast-moving subjects, and a short shutter release lag helps you capture the fleeting moment before the subject moves out of frame. 1/6000s Super Speed Shutter You have a split second to take the shot your family will be talking about for generations. Take it with the NX300, which boasts a shutter speed of 1/6000s, the fastest in its class. With that kind of shutter speed - and the fast autofocus system - you can capture a skater whipping by or a snowboarder in midair, without a hint of motion blur. Connect to your world ...and to your smart devices. A dedicated Direct Link hot key lets you quickly and wirelessly send images to a mobile phone, tablet, PC or Smart HDTV - directly from your camera. It's perfect for sharing moments with friends, family, and your favorite social networks. The Samsung NX300 also includes Dual band (2.4GHz and 5GHz) support so you can connect faster and with more stability to wireless networks around you. AutoShare Simultaneously send every picture you take to your mobile phone via WiFi connection - to make backing up and sharing your hig
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Samsung NX300 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 20-50mm F/3.5-5.6 ED II Lens (Black)
Merchant : Beach Trading Co. |
$647.99 | ![]() |