2014 Black Friday Samsung RF217ACPN Stainless Platinum 20 Cubic Foot French Door Energy Right Now
Samsung RF217ACPN Stainless Platinum 20 Cubic Foot French Door Energy is truly good on precisely what it actually does. Protect you time and money via purchase at trusted online stores. Hot Offer Samsung RF217ACPN Stainless Platinum 20 Cubic Foot French Door Energy
Price : $1799.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant : Build.com
Product ID : 5d2bce1fdb6e1f00d37068642fe2a4d3
Rating :
In the case that you are searching to acquiring item at an awesome high quality and a sensible offer. We very advised Samsung RF217ACPN Stainless Platinum 20 Cubic Foot French Door Energy is among high quality and even more preferred item item that you are looking for. Even if you research it very carefully regarding product information, features and useful customer testimonials, certainly you should certainly not decline to purchase it one. You could check out the recent price through the web link below.
Samsung RF217ACPN Stainless Platinum 20 Cubic Foot French Door Energy Description
Please call us at 800-375-3403 (Option 7) to speak to our appliance experts about pricing, manufacturer rebates, delivery options, and whole kitchen packages.20 Cubic Foot French Door Energy Star Refrigerator with Internal Digital Display and Control, Twin Cooling System and Surround Air FlowSamsung refrigerators bring innovation to both design and storage. Our beautiful and sleek design complements any kitchen decor. And, the enhanced storage capacity offers more space inside with the same outside dimensions as a traditional model. That s more room to hold your favorite drinks, party platters and leftovers.Internal Digital Display and Control: Controlling the refrigerator is easy with the internal digital display. It shows the inside temperatures.Refrigerator: 13.3 cu. ft.:2 Humidity Controlled Crispers3 Tempered Glass Shelves5 Opaque Gallon Door Bins1 Dairy BinFreezer: 6.4 cu. ft.:1 Large Opaque Bottom Freezer Bin with DividerFeatures:Twin Cooling SystemSurround Air FlowPower Freeze and Power Cool OptionsGallon Door BinsEZ-Open Handle on Freezer DoorLED LightingExtra Features:Cool Tight DoorDoor AlarmSpecifications:Energy Star Rated: 453 kWh/yearStorage Capacity -20 cu. ft.Automatic Filtered Ice Maker in FreezerFor over 70 years, Samsung has been dedicated to making a better world through diverse businesses that today span advanced technology, semiconductors, skyscraper and plant construction, petrochemicals, fashion, medicine, finance, hotels, and more. Samsung Electronics, leads the global market in high-tech electronics manufacturing and digital media.
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