Black Friday 2014 Deals Samsung RF25HMEDBBC Black 25 Cu. Ft. Capacity 33" Wide 4-Door French Review
In general this Samsung RF25HMEDBBC Black 25 Cu. Ft. Capacity 33" Wide 4-Door French is very well designed, functions amazingly, I probably notice the order might be worth the extra money. Hot Deal Samsung RF25HMEDBBC Black 25 Cu. Ft. Capacity 33" Wide 4-Door French
Price : $3299.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung
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Product ID : f3ad82fd4ac79bfea3a3ebe292b309bd
Rating :
The product features are excellent and packed with high quality of Samsung RF25HMEDBBC Black 25 Cu. Ft. Capacity 33" Wide 4-Door French is the important purpose that makes it among the item you shall get bought. And, it is additionally friendly budget to your budgets as well. You could discover the full product explanation and have a look at awesome deals that have been upgraded through the store via click the link below. You may possibly select the stimulating offer and you can not reject it, want you get the amazing price.
Samsung RF25HMEDBBC Black 25 Cu. Ft. Capacity 33" Wide 4-Door French Description
Please call us at 800-375-3403 (Option 7) to speak to our appliance experts about pricing, manufacturer rebates, delivery options, and whole kitchen packages.Features:Large Capacity: This 4 door refrigerator has a capacity of 25 cu. ft.Counter-Height FlexZone- Drawer: This easy to access drawer has an adjustable Smart Divider and four temperature settings, from chill to soft freezeHigh-Efficiency LED Lighting: The energy efficient LED lighting illuminates every corner of the refrigeratorEZ-Open- Handle: Designed for easy opening of a fully loaded freezer and FlexZone- DrawerIce Master: The ice maker produces up to 10 pounds of ice per day with storage for 4.2 poundsTwin Cooling Plus-: Separate evaporators maintain high levels of humidity in the refrigerator to keep fruits and vegetables fresher longer while keeping the freezer conditions dryAdjustable Shelf: This three-way shelf can be a standard shelf, slide-in, or even flip-up to allow space for tall and oddly shaped itemsENERGY STAR Specifications:Fresh Food Capacity: 13.98 Cu. Ft.FlexZone Drawer Capacity: 3.43 Cu. Ft.Freezer Capacity: 7.32 Cu. Ft.Total Capacity: 24.73 Cu. Ft.Dimensions: 32-3/4" W x 70" H x 36-1/2" DDepth with Door 90- Open: 49-3/4"Voltage: 120 VoltsAmperage: 15 AmpsProduct Weight: 339 Pounds
If you need help and advice about the benefits and drawbacks about Samsung RF25HMEDBBC Black 25 Cu. Ft. Capacity 33" Wide 4-Door French. The easiest approach is you could take a look at it through the customer reviews of this item. The real experiences of people who making use of the items that how they provide scoring for this product and what they happy and unhappy relating to this product. The most essential is this product can probably be put to work exactly just as you wish or not. This is one of the crucial info you have to discover.
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Samsung RF25HMEDBBC Black 25 Cu. Ft. Capacity 33" Wide 4-Door French
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$3299.00 |