2014 Black Friday Samsung RF28HFEDBSR Stainless Steel 28 Cu. Ft. French Door
Samsung RF28HFEDBSR Stainless Steel 28 Cu. Ft. French Door that you can buy recently, only just check recent selling prices comparison plus shipping accessible for aid you in getting the best bargain. Hot Offer Samsung RF28HFEDBSR Stainless Steel 28 Cu. Ft. French Door
Price : $2899.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant : Build.com
Product ID : ba53563330e5c8853fada91be300ff76
Rating :
In case you are usually searching to getting item at an extremely good high quality together with a practical price. We extremely suggested this Samsung RF28HFEDBSR Stainless Steel 28 Cu. Ft. French Door is one of premium and even more prominent item product that you are searching for. Also if you learn it very carefully concerning product specification, attributes and useful customer comments, obviously you must certainly not refuse to acquire it one. You can look at the current price via the web link under here.
Samsung RF28HFEDBSR Stainless Steel 28 Cu. Ft. French Door Description
Please call us at 800-375-3403 (Option 7) to speak to our appliance experts about pricing, manufacturer rebates, delivery options, and whole kitchen packages.Features:Ultra Large Capacity: This French Door refrigerator has 28 cu. ft. of spaceTwin Cooling Plus: Maintains high levels of humidity in the refrigerator to keep perishable fruits and vegetables fresher longer, while keeping freezer conditions dry for less freezer burn and better tasting frozen foodsCoolSelect Pantry: Provides optimal temperature control in the pantry drawer with Deli, Fresh, and Chilled options, its great for safely defrosting items in a controlled spaceIce Master: Produces up to 10 pounds of ice per day with storage for 4.2 pounds of iceAdjustable Shelves: Use this three-way shelf as a standard shelf, slide-in for more storage space, or flip-up for even more storageHigh-Efficiency LED Lighting: Beautifully illuminates every corner of the refrigerator while producing less heat and saving energy compared to conventional lightingEZ-Open Handle: This handle has been specifically designed to allow easy opening and closing of a fully loaded freezerLED Display with Water and Ice Dispenser: The Ice Blue Digital Display allows for easy control of refrigerator settings, while the ice and water dispenser is tall enough for pitchers and large glassesENERGY STAR Specifications:Dimensions: 35-3/4" W x 36" D x 70" HDepth with Door Open: 47-7/8"Refrigerator Capacity: 19.14 Cu. Ft.Freezer Capacity: 8.93 Cu. Ft.Total Capacity: 28.07 Cu. Ft.Shelf Material: Tempered GlassProduct Weight: 325.6 PoundsVoltage: 120 Volts
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This Item Available from 1 Store
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Samsung RF28HFEDBSR Stainless Steel 28 Cu. Ft. French Door
Merchant : Build.com |
$2899.00 |