Black Friday Sales 2014 Samsung RFG237AABP Black Pearl 23 Cubic Foot French Door Refrigerator Right Now
Samsung RFG237AABP Black Pearl 23 Cubic Foot French Door Refrigerator is actually a very good products for a awesome deal, worth the cost. Awfully pleased. Hot Deal Samsung RFG237AABP Black Pearl 23 Cubic Foot French Door Refrigerator
Price : $3099.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung
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Product ID : bedacf26d7a68442208142cf987e7f5f
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Samsung RFG237AABP Black Pearl 23 Cubic Foot French Door Refrigerator Description
Please call us at 800-375-3403 (Option 7) to speak to our appliance experts about pricing, manufacturer rebates, delivery options, and whole kitchen packages.23 Cubic Foot French Door Refrigerator with 3 Doors and Integrated Water & IceSamsung refrigerators bring innovation to both design and storage. Their beautiful and sleek design complements any kitchen decor. And, the enhanced storage capacity offers more space inside with the same outside dimensions as a traditional model. That s more room to hold your favorite drinks, party platters and leftovers.Twin cooling keeps food fresh longer: Samsung's Twin Cooling System takes refrigeration out of the ice age with dual action cooling that keeps your food fresh. It does this by controlling and generating cooling air for the refrigerator and freezer separately with two evaporators, two fan systems and precise electronic control. The Twin Cooling System maintains humidity and temperature levels that are just right so food stays super fresh.Attractive design and large capacity: Samsung refrigerators bring innovation to both design and storage. Their beautiful and sleek design complements any kitchen decor. And, the enhanced storage capacity offers more space inside with the same outside dimensions as a traditional model. That's more room to hold your favorite drinks, party platters and leftovers.External digital display and control: Controlling the refrigerator is convenient and easy with the digital display. It shows the inside temperatures, when to change your filter and also controls the ice and water dispenser.Features:Concealed HingesTwin Cooling SystemSurround Air FlowPower Freeze and Power Cool OptionsTempered Spill Proof Glass ShelvesEasy Open Handle on Freezer Drawer and DoorOpen Door AlarmEnergy
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