Black Friday Ads 2014 Samsung RS22HDHPNWW White 22 Cu. Ft. Capacity 36" Wide Counter Depth Right Now
Samsung RS22HDHPNWW White 22 Cu. Ft. Capacity 36" Wide Counter Depth readily available recently, take a moment to find current prices comparison plus delivery accessible to help you to get the great offer. Hot Deal Samsung RS22HDHPNWW White 22 Cu. Ft. Capacity 36" Wide Counter Depth
Price : $2499.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung
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Product ID : d35edbf4085648e072d6f0c8d3d4cda7
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One of superb item is feature Samsung RS22HDHPNWW White 22 Cu. Ft. Capacity 36" Wide Counter Depth verified through a great deal of feedbacks directly from realistic users validated that Samsung RS22HDHPNWW White 22 Cu. Ft. Capacity 36" Wide Counter Depth is excellent and useful product and actually worth the cash that they paid. If you have any kind of inquiries concerning the attributes of the product or want to examine the present price of this item. Right now select the hyperlink below, you will find a good deals that irrefutable.
Samsung RS22HDHPNWW White 22 Cu. Ft. Capacity 36" Wide Counter Depth Description
Please call us at 800-375-3403 (Option 7) to speak to our appliance experts about pricing, manufacturer rebates, delivery options, and whole kitchen packages.Features:Large Capacity: This side-by-side refrigerator has a capacity of 22 cu. ft.Twin Cooling Plus-: Separate evaporators maintain high levels of humidity in the refrigerator to keep fruits and vegetables fresher longer while keeping the freezer conditions dryCounter Depth: The counter depth design allows for more workable space in the kitchenLED Tower Lighting: These space saving lights brighten every corner of the refrigerator while reducing heat and energy outputAutomatic In-Door Ice Maker: This space saving ice maker produces up to 4.2 pounds of ice per day, holding up to 5.5 poundsDigital Display Water and Ice Dispenser: This tall dispenser can accommodate pitchers and tall glasses while providing easy access to refrigerator settingsENERGY STAR Specifications:Fresh Food Capacity: 14.4 Cu. Ft.Freezer Capacity: 7.9 Cu. Ft.Total Capacity: 22.3 Cu. Ft.Dimensions: 35-3/4" W x 69-1/4" H x 29-1/2" DVoltage: 120 VoltsAmperage: 15 AmpsProduct Weight: 287 Pounds
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Samsung RS22HDHPNWW White 22 Cu. Ft. Capacity 36" Wide Counter Depth
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$2499.00 |