2014 Black Friday Samsung S27C650P 27" LED LCD Monitor - 16:9 - 4 ms Don't Miss
Samsung S27C650P 27" LED LCD Monitor - 16:9 - 4 ms is certainly an amazing items for a really good offer, worth the cost. Completely cheerful.
Price : $386.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant : Overstock.com
Product ID : b7d34e4194390f2a3c140b05954d30f1
Rating :
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Samsung S27C650P 27" LED LCD Monitor - 16:9 - 4 ms Description
Colorful, engaging and brilliant, Samsungs SC650 Series monitors truly stand out. Offering the rare combination of affordability and advanced image reproduction, these business desktop monitor solutions deliver excellent image quality with improved panel technology on the 27 display. And with LED technology and user-adjustable settings, you can reduce energy consumption and save money. Manufacturer: Samsung Manufacturer Part Number: S27C650P Manufacturer Website Address: http://www.samsungusa.com Brand Name: Samsung Product Series: 650 Product Model: S27C650P Product Name: 27 SC650 Series LED Monitor Product Type: LCD Monitor Technical Information: Screen Mode: Full HD Technical Information: Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Technical Information: Backlight Technology: LED Video: Color Supported: 16.7 Million Colors Video: Contrast Ratio: 5,000:1 Audio: Speakers: Yes Interfaces/Ports: HDMI: Yes Interfaces/Ports: VGA: Yes Interfaces/Ports: DisplayPort: Yes Built-in Devices: Built-in Devices: Speaker Physical Characteristics: VESA Mount Compatible: Yes Physical Characteristics: Color: Matte Black Package Contents: 27 SC650 Series LED Monitor HDMI to DVI cable Audio Cable VGA Cable 1.5m Power Cable E-manual Install CD Quick Setup Guide Green Compliant: Yes Green Compliance Certificate/Authority: EPEAT Gold
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