Black Friday Deals 2014 Samsung S30NB 30 mm f/2 Lens for NX mount
Samsung S30NB 30 mm f/2 Lens for NX mount for your purchases instantly, just view most recent selling prices comparison plus shipping accessible for help you to get the hottest deal.
Price : $329.15 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant :
Product ID : f8100dc21f69e457bdb053680e814718
Rating :
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![Samsung S30NB 30 mm f/2 Lens for NX mount](
Samsung S30NB 30 mm f/2 Lens for NX mount Description
Manufacturer: Samsung Manufacturer Part Number: EX-S30NB Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Samsung Product Model: S30NB Product Name: S30NB NX 30mm Wide Angle Lens Product Type: Lens Technical Information: Lens Type: Wide Angle Technical Information: Lens Mount Type: NX mount Application/Usage: Camera Compatibility: Samsung NX10 Micro Four Third Digital Camera
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