Black Friday 2014 Deals Samsung Security SRD-480D-6TB 4ch HD CCTV DVR Don't Miss
All-around the Samsung Security SRD-480D-6TB 4ch HD CCTV DVR is very effectively manufactured, is working perfectly, I most surely experience the shop for will be worth the extra budget. Hot Offer Samsung Security SRD-480D-6TB 4ch HD CCTV DVR
Price : $2599.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung Security
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Product ID : 3e5ca543152c14f269d0bf702a834fe8
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If you are really looking to shopping product at an amazing high quality together with an affordable budget plan. We extremely suggested this Samsung Security SRD-480D-6TB 4ch HD CCTV DVR is one of high quality and additional well-liked item item that you are trying to find. Even if you research it meticulously about item detail, attributes and helpful customer evaluations, obviously you need to not decline to get it one. You could take a look at the current price via the link below.
Samsung Security SRD-480D-6TB 4ch HD CCTV DVR Description
"Samsung SRD-480D Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Samsung SRD-480D is a 4-Channel H.264 DVR which is reliable Linux-based surveillance solution for users looking to match economy with professional performance. This DVR supports recording of HD/Full HD resolution images from HD-SDI cameras. Real-time recording images across all channels at 720p HD resolution, the SRD-480D enables the user the opportunity to record in resolutions of 1080p Full HD over selected channels. The HD-SDI system provides a set of benefits over conventional analogue/network systems. It utilizes existing analogue infrastructure of coaxial cable while providing much higher resolution of image quality. H.264 compression technology allows you to save on storage space while also minimizing the bandwidth requirement for operations. It transmits uncompressed, unencrypted digital video signals and result in clear crisp images without any loss or delay. Adding to your convenience are features such as 2 USB ports for backup, email notification of user-defined critical events, and RS485 for PTZ controls. SRD-480D Features: Digital Video Recorder, Full HD (1920 x 1080p) Resolution, 4 Channels, H.264 Compression Technology, 2 USB Ports For Backup, Real-Time Recording Capability, 1280 x 720p : 120fps / 1920 x 1080p : 60fps Recording Rate, Playback Functions, Selectable Recording Rates, Password Protection/Data Authentication, Supports RS485 Protocols For PTZ Controls, DVD Writer Back-Up Support, Live Multi Screen Display, Email Notification, 10/100Mbps Ethernet Speed, Selectable Bandwidth Control, Upto 4 SATA I/F HDD Support, Various Search Modes -Date/Time, Calendar, Event search & Thumbnail search, Alarm Sources Include -Terminal 4 Inputs (NO/NC) -Terminal 4 Relay Outputs (NO/NC) , Recording Modes -Continuous -Scheduled -Manual -Event, Audio Format: -ADPCM Compression -16KHz Sampling Rate, Linux-Based Operating System, Easy To Install & Configure, Multilingual Support: Korean, Japanese, Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Polish, Czech, Turkish, Netherlands, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish, Thai, Rumanian, Serbian, Croatian, Hungarian, Greek"
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Samsung Security SRD-480D-6TB 4ch HD CCTV DVR
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$2599.95 |