Black Friday 2014 Ads Samsung Security SRN-470D-2TB-SND-1080 (16 Pack) -W/Monitor 4CH Network Review
Completely this Samsung Security SRN-470D-2TB-SND-1080 (16 Pack) -W/Monitor 4CH Network is exceptionally well created, functions wonderfully, I positively notice the shop for may well be worth any extra budget. Hot Deal Samsung Security SRN-470D-2TB-SND-1080 (16 Pack) -W/Monitor 4CH Network
Price : $5199.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung Security
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Product ID : a2d584609d933527b9125cf2c0431f18
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In the case that you are looking to paying for product at a top-notch quality and also an affordable deal. We extremely recommended this Samsung Security SRN-470D-2TB-SND-1080 (16 Pack) -W/Monitor 4CH Network is one of premium and more preferred product product that you are looking for. Also if you study it thoroughly regarding item information, functions and useful consumer assessments, obviously you must not reject to get it one. You can inspect the up-to-date price through the link here.
Samsung Security SRN-470D-2TB-SND-1080 (16 Pack) -W/Monitor 4CH Network Description
"Samsung SRN-470D 2TB w/ SND-1080 & 17"" Monitor Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Samsung SRN-470D is a 4-Channel NVR which is a reliable surveillance solution for users looking for excellent performance in a compact package. It allows you to record 4 CIF resolution videos at 120 fps (NTSC) from up to 4 channels for high-quality imagery. Multiple recording modes like continuous, scheduled, manual, etc. allow you to easily configure your security system to record based on your requirements. H.264 compression allows you to save on storage space while also minimizing the bandwidth requirement for operations. In addition, it also supports MJPEG formats for use as per the application. The unit comes pre-installed with a storage space of 500 GB, and with an eSATA interface for external HDD you can further increase the storage space to meets the growing demands of high-resolution storage.The SRN-470D NVR connects to the network via an Ethernet cable port, and through its intuitive user interface, you can easily manage the system from a centralized location within your network. Support for multiple data transfer protocols ensures advanced network connectivity at all times. In addition, this DVR automatically notifies users via email about specific events, helping minimize system downtime. SRN-470D Features: Network Video Recorder, Records at CIF Resolution Per Channel, Manages Up to 4 Cameras, H.264, MPEG-4, MJPEG Multiple Codec, 2 USB Ports For Backup, 500GB HDD Capacity w/ Overwrite, 4CIF High Resolution Images At 120fps (N) , 100fps (P) In Real-Time, Full HD Resolution Support, Remote Viewing Of Live & Recorded Feeds Via a Compatible Browser, DVD Writer Support, Email Notification Of User-Defined Critical Events, Network Port -1 (RJ-45) -10BASE-T -100BASE-T -1000BASE-T, Network Transfer -Regardless Of The Recording Conditions Using Network Specific Codec, Recording Modes -Continuous -Scheduled -Manual, Various Search Modes -Time, Event, Backup, POS & Motion Detection, Audio Format: -G.711, G.723.1, G.726 Audio Encoding For 4 Channels -Supports Hard Disc Recording & Playback, Linux-Based Operating System, Storage Modes"
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Samsung Security SRN-470D-2TB-SND-1080 (16 Pack) -W/Monitor 4CH Network
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$5199.95 |