Black Friday Sales 2014 SAMSUNG SNP-5300 Network PTZ, 1.3M (1280 x 1024) , 16:9 HD (720p) , H.264/MJPEG, 500?/sec, 360? Endless Pan/-5? 185? Tilt, 255 Presets, Motorized 30x (4.4589mm) , S Instantly
SAMSUNG SNP-5300 Network PTZ, 1.3M (1280 x 1024) , 16:9 HD (720p) , H.264/MJPEG, 500?/sec, 360? Endless Pan/-5? 185? Tilt, 255 Presets, Motorized 30x (4.4589mm) , S is truly high quality at the things it totally does. Save you time and money with decide to buy at reliable stores online.
Price : $2252.55 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
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Product ID : 9e02c4a8e9abe4e56a03e9238b895d4a
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SAMSUNG SNP-5300 Network PTZ, 1.3M (1280 x 1024) , 16:9 HD (720p) , H.264/MJPEG, 500?/sec, 360? Endless Pan/-5? 185? Tilt, 255 Presets, Motorized 30x (4.4589mm) , S Description
SAMSUNG SNP-5300 Network PTZ, 1.3M (1280 x 1024) , 16:9 HD (720p) , H.264/MJPEG, 500?/sec, 360? Endless Pan/-5? 185? Tilt, 255 Presets, Motorized 30x (4.4589mm) , SSDR, True Day/Night, SSNR, IVA, SD/SDHC,
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