Black Friday Sale Samsung WB350 Smart Wi-Fi Digital Camera (Black) with 16GB Card + Case + Battery + Flex Tripod + Accessory Kit Instantly
Samsung WB350 Smart Wi-Fi Digital Camera (Black) with 16GB Card + Case + Battery + Flex Tripod + Accessory Kit is definitely a very good products for a incredibly good total price, worth every penny. Actually pleased.
Price : $259.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
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Product ID : 10afacc94fc3d60ad91f6a30d0da3923
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Samsung WB350 Smart Wi-Fi Digital Camera (Black) with 16GB Card + Case + Battery + Flex Tripod + Accessory Kit Description
Samsung WB350 Smart Wi-Fi Digital Camera (Black) with 16GB Card + Case + Battery + Flex Tripod + Accessory Kit
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