Black Friday 2014 Samsung WB50F 12x Optical Zoom, 16MP Smart Camera & Accessories Right Now
Samsung WB50F 12x Optical Zoom, 16MP Smart Camera & Accessories is truly an amazing stuff at the really good selling price, worth every dollar. Totally satisfied. Hot Deal Samsung WB50F 12x Optical Zoom, 16MP Smart Camera & Accessories
Price : $198.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant : QVC
Product ID : 0e1e5eb6f71309ad7ef6f38d6cd675d8
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One of wonderful item is offer Samsung WB50F 12x Optical Zoom, 16MP Smart Camera & Accessories authorized from a lot of feedbacks directly from actual buyers confirmed that Samsung WB50F 12x Optical Zoom, 16MP Smart Camera & Accessories is really excellent and usable product and really worth the cash that they paid for. If you have any sort of inquiries regarding the attributes of the item or desire to examine the latest price of this product. Just now click the web link here, you will certainly discover a good prices that irrefutable.
Samsung WB50F 12x Optical Zoom, 16MP Smart Camera & Accessories Description
What makes this digital camera so smart You know how your smartphone lets you take pictures and instantly upload them to your social networks or send them to friends Well, with built-in Wi-Fi, this camera does that too--only with incredible 16.2 megapixel images.What's NFC technology and why do I want it? As if the convenient connectivity of Wi-Fi wasn't enough, you can share photos with friends just by tapping your NFC-enabled device to theirs. Seriously, it's that simple--with Photo Beam, you can touch your digital camera to a friend's smartphone, tablet, or camera and send images instantly.What else does it do? On top of must-have connectivity features, the WB50F is loaded with settings that will make you feel like a pro, even if your prior camera experience was on a phone. Optical image stabilization keeps your snapshots from looking blurry, an automatic flash takes out the guesswork, and there's even a 720p movie mode for stunning HD video recording.What's in the box? WB50F digital camera, AC adapter, USB cable, 8GB micro SD memory card with SD adapter, camera case, Adobe Photoshop Elements 11, Digital Scrapbooking, 1-year PicMonkey Royale subscription, $50 PrinterPix voucher, and $10 Postgram voucher.From Samsung.For helpful terms and definitions, please refer to the Camera Glossary tab above.Wireless capability may require a network connection, accessories, and/or a service fee.Please consult the manufacturer's documentation regarding the safe and proper use, handling, storage, charging, and disposal of products containing lithium-ion batteries.
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Samsung WB50F 12x Optical Zoom, 16MP Smart Camera & Accessories
Merchant : QVC |
$198.00 |