2014 Black Friday Deals Seculine Twin1 ISR Interval Shutter Release for Nikon Digital Slr's D70S, D80 Instantly

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Seculine Twin1 ISR Interval Shutter Release for Nikon Digital Slr's D70S, D80

Hot Deal Seculine Twin1 ISR Interval Shutter Release for Nikon Digital Slr's D70S, D80
Price : $49.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Seculine
Merchant : Adorama
Product ID : 3628272a7d3ed83282ed5cfd3c143ad8
Rating :

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Seculine Twin1 ISR Interval Shutter Release for Nikon Digital Slr's D70S, D80

Seculine Twin1 ISR Interval Shutter Release for Nikon Digital Slr's D70S, D80 Description

The Zigview Twin1 ISR Interval Shutter Release provides much more convenient interval photographing a large LCD window. It also provides stable and shake free shooting by wire shutter release control. It features various interval parameter settings.

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Seculine Twin1 ISR Interval Shutter Release for Nikon Digital Slr's D70S, D80
Merchant : Adorama
price as of : 2014-11-07