2014 Black Friday Shotgun Scopes - Nikon Slughunter 3-9x40mm Bdc 200 Matte Black Don't Miss
Shotgun Scopes - Nikon Slughunter 3-9x40mm Bdc 200 Matte Black that can be purchased instantly, just check the latest prices comparison along with delivery accessible for help you to get the best selection.
Price : $199.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Nikon
Merchant : Sinclair International
Product ID : 56bbfa28853830da13ae15564a7c89fe
Rating :

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Shotgun Scopes - Nikon Slughunter 3-9x40mm Bdc 200 Matte Black Description
Nikon's Slug Gun Riflescopes are serious optical instruments engineered for hunting success. Nikon's leading technology gives you the PROSTAFF Shotgun Hunter 2-7x32 with high resolutino Nikon optics nad Zero-Reset turrets. The popular SlugHunter 3-9x40 features and enhanced BDC 200 SlugHunter Reticle with four "ballistic circles" for unprecedented long range slug gun performance. Mfg: Nikon
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Shotgun Scopes - Nikon Slughunter 3-9x40mm Bdc 200 Matte Black
Merchant : Sinclair International |
$199.95 | ![]() |