Black Friday Online Deals SIGMA 24mm F1.8 EX DG Aspherical Macro Lens - For Nikon Review
SIGMA 24mm F1.8 EX DG Aspherical Macro Lens - For Nikon is totally high quality for precisely what it absolutely does. Protect you time and money via buy at trusted online merchants.
Price : $548.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : SIGMA
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Product ID : 069419348e799b89173102c15514a2cf
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In the event that you are actually considering to paying for product at a fantastic high quality including a practical price. We very advised SIGMA 24mm F1.8 EX DG Aspherical Macro Lens - For Nikon is among leading quality and additional popular product product that you are trying to find. Even if you learn it carefully concerning product description, features and helpful customer assessments, obviously you need to not reject to purchase it one. You could check out the recent price through the hyperlink here.
![SIGMA 24mm F1.8 EX DG Aspherical Macro Lens - For Nikon](
SIGMA 24mm F1.8 EX DG Aspherical Macro Lens - For Nikon Description
SIGMA 24mm F1.8 EX DG Aspherical Macro Lens - For Nikon Type: Wide Angle Lens Compatibility: For Nikon Diameter: 77mm Focus Type: Auto Focus Features: The large aperture wide-angle lens for close up photography. This large-aperture wide-angle lens is equipped macro focusing capability with a maximum magnification of 1:2.7 and fast F1.8 maximum aperture. The use of aspherical lenses are offered for superior peripheral brightness and compensation of aberrations and astigmatism. This is an ideal DG lens for Digital SLR cameras. Macro capability This lens is capable of Macro photography at minimum focusing down to 18cm (7.1 inch) (reproduction ratio 1:2.7) . It incorporates the floating focus system in order to minimize distortion, spherical aberration and astigmatism, which provide high performance at all shooting distance down to 18 cm (7.1 inch) . Reproduction ratio 1:2.7 and an a...
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SIGMA 24mm F1.8 EX DG Aspherical Macro Lens - For Nikon
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